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Top Places to Visit in Shiraz Iran | Shiraz Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Tourist Attractions

Top 20 Places to Visit in Shiraz Iran

The capital of Fars province in southwestern Iran, Shiraz city celebrated as the heartland of Persian culture for over 2000 years. Shiraz has become synonymous with education, nightingales, poetry and crafts skills passed down from generation to generation. It was one of the most important cities in the medieval Islamic world and was the Iranian capital during the Zand dynasty (1751–1794). Famous for its wine, Shiraz is both a historic site and an attractive modern city, with eye catching splendid gardens, shrines, and exquisite mosques. An ancient city with a 5000-years old history, this city has some interesting places for tourists. The main Shiraz tourist attractions are: Vakil Bazaar, Vakil Mosque, Qur'an Gate, Saadat Mansion, Atigh Mosque, Qal'eh Dokhtar, Margoon Waterfall and etc. Shiraz is the birthplace of the Persian poets Saadi and Hafez. It was known in the ancient Persia as a city linking Pasargadae to the capital Persepolis and as a result was important for the Achaemenes dynasty. On this page, the interesting historical places of Shiraz are introduced, and the sightseeing places around Shiraz, and its gardens, are discussed on a separate page.

Shiraz Tomb of Saadi | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Travel to Shiraz Iran, Tomb of Saadi

Shiraz Tomb of Saadi

a Great Persian Poet and Prose Writer

Saadi Shirazi is one of the greatest Iranian poets. He is not only famous in Persian- speaking countries, but he is also known all over the world. Saadi was a world traveler in his time. When he returns to shiraz he wrote his memories and experiences in the form of poetry and prose in 2 books. This place has a beautiful garden and Saadi poems are written on a blue inscription on the wall around his tomb. there is also a beautiful small pool in the underground floor which people make a wish and throw a coin in the pool. Don’t forget to drop coin in it and make wishes, it will be a pleasant experience. Even if you are not interested in tombs, the architecture is beautiful and the garden is nice to see.

Shiraz Tomb of Hafez | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Visit Shiraz Iran, Tomb of Hafez

Shiraz Tomb of Hafez

Memorial for Famous Poet

The Tomb of Hafez and its associated memorial hall, the Hafezieh, are tow memorial structures erected in the northern edge of Shiraz, Iran, in memory of the celebrated Persian poet Hafez. The tomb, a large garden full of trees and flowers, and the surrounding memorials to other great figures are a focus of tourism in Shiraz. Even if you are not a fan of poetry, visit this place and enjoy the peaceful environment.

Shiraz Khwaju Kermani Tomb | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Iran Attractions, Shiraz Khwaju Kermani Tomb

Shiraz Khwaju Kermani Tomb

Tombs near the Quran Gate

In the vicinity of Quran gate in Shiraz, there is tomb of a poet called Khaju Kermani. He dates back to mongol invasion of Iran around 13th century A.D. who came to Shiraz and lived here. The tomb is placed in an unroofed enclosure. Its headstone is in the middle of the platform. It is convex and has a bulge. On the stone is inscribed in Arabic a quotation from the Qur'an:

"Everyone who is on the earth will pass away; and there will remain only the face of your Lord, full of glory and honour."

He was Hafez's teacher. Apparently Hafez referred to Khaju in one of his poems. There are a museum, a traditional Iranian coffee shop and a shop around the tomb. In the shop special blocks of wood, on which poems and other text are inscribed in traditional Iranian Nastaligh writing, are selling. You can order a wood carving with your own personalized text inscribed on it. The place which the shop is located, is Khaju Kermani 's actual residence many, many years ago. You have to take the stairs to achieve this tomb. It's a good place to take Quran Gate and Peacock Square in one frame.

Shiraz Shah Cheragh Shrine | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shah Cheragh Shrine, Places to Visit in Shiraz

Shiraz Shah Cheragh Shrine

a Holy Place

Shah Cheragh is a funerary monument and mosque in Shiraz, Iran, housing the tomb of the brothers Ahmad and Muhammad, sons of Mūsā al-Kādhim and brothers of ‘Alī ar-Ridhā. The two took refuge in the city during the Abbasid persecution of Shia Muslims. Shāh-é-Chérāgh is Persian for "King of the Light". Shah Cheragh Shrine is a very interesting place to visit, as it gives a good example of what Holy Shrines look like in Iran. The dome, with its rosebud shape, is a typical feature of Iranian architecture. This is an amazing blend of ancient and contemporary Persian culture. Non-Muslims visitors are accompanied by a guide, for free, who give them insight about the place and its history. Like in all holy shrines, women are required to wear a chador, which can be borrowed for free at the entrance. You can do yoga there!

Shiraz Citadel of Karim Khan | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Citadel of Karim Khan, A historical place in Shiraz

Shiraz Citadel of Karim Khan

A Humble Piece of Iranian History

Karim Khan Citadel or the Arg of Karim Khan, is a citadel located in Shiraz, Iran. It was built as part of a complex during the Zand dynasty. During the Qajar dynasty, the citadel was sometimes used as a prison for about 40 years. Today, it is a museum operated by Iran's Cultural Heritage Organization. A public park surrounds it. Inside is mostly photos of Karim khan citadel and also some sculpture. There is a gift shop where you can buy some souvenirs as well. Locals meet and walk around the Arg-e-Karim khan in the evenings. Amazing brickwork on the buttress turrets. At the end of the April it would be excellent time to visit.

Shiraz Vakil Historical Bath | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Vakil Historical Bath

Shiraz Vakil Historical Bath

Vakil Historical Bath is one of the must-see places in Shiraz, which was built during the Zandiyeh period by the order and follow-up of Karim Khan Zand. This building is registered in the list of national monuments of Iran and Shiraz Museum of Anthropology is located in it. Vakil Bath, like other baths in Iran, benefits from the most advanced and principled architecture of its time.

Shiraz Vakil Bazaar | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Vakil Bazaar, buying Iranian handicrafts

Shiraz Vakil Bazaar

Vakil Bazaar of Shiraz is one of the most famous traditional and historical markets of Iran, which was built by the order of Karim Khan Zand in the Zandiye period. Currently, this market is located in the center of Shiraz and is considered one of the must-see places in Shiraz. A beautiful courtyards, caravanserai, mosque, bathhouse, old shops for buying Iranian rugs, spices, copper handicrafts and antiques are some of the features of this beautiful market.

Shiraz Vakil Reservoir | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Vakil Reservoir

Shiraz Vakil Reservoir

Vakil Reservoir or Shiraz Water Museum is one of the sightseeing places of Fars province, which was built like Hafeziyeh, Divankhane and Haft-tan reservoirs by the order of Karim Khan Zand and in order to supply drinking water to the people of Shiraz. The name of Vakil Reservoir is registered as one of the reservoirs of the Zandiye period in the list of national monuments of Iran.

Shiraz Vakil Mosque | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Vakil Mosque, a Top Place to Visit in Shiraz

Shiraz Vakil Mosque

The Vakil Mosque of Shiraz is one of the architectural masterpieces of the Zandiyeh mosque, which was built by the order of Karim Khan Zand. Vakil Mosque is introduced in Pirloti's "Travel to Isfahan" as follows: "Today, fortunately, I managed to enter the Karim Khan Mosque. There is no doubt that if I stay here for a while, I will enter all the places that I am completely forbidden to enter now. People This city is very gentle and kind to me. The lines and patterns of the mosque architecture are simple and clean, but everywhere, enamel and green and red colors can be seen, and this luxury has reached the limit. No part of the wall can be found that is It is not carefully enameled. Now we are in the palace of lapis lazuli and turquoise fam."

Shiraz Jameh Atigh Mosque | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Jameh Atigh Mosque

Shiraz Jameh Atigh Mosque

Jame Atiq Mosque is the oldest mosque in Shiraz, which is also called Friday Mosque. The original building of this mosque was built during the time of Amrwalit Safari and was later renovated during the period of different sultans. This mosque, which is located in the east of Shahcheragh shrine, is one of the famous places in Shiraz. The people of Shiraz believe that there is a staff of Moses under the shrine of the mosque. They also believe that the Qiblah was in this direction before the change, and this mosque is also called Al-Aqsa Mosque. Some people also claim that this mosque was first a firehouse and later changed its use. They even believe that Jesus descended in this mosque along with Mikael and Israfil.

Shiraz Nasir alMulk Mosque | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Nasir alMulk Mosque, a Must Visiting Palce in Shiraz

Shiraz Nasir alMulk Mosque

Nasir al-Molk Mosque is one of the most beautiful mosques in Shiraz and Iran, which dates back to the Qajar period. The construction of this beautiful mosque was started by two of the best Iranian architects and by the order of the then ruler of Shiraz in 1255 and its construction took 12 years. Colored glass, tall arches, seven-color tiles, knotted tiles, turquoise tiles, delicate moqrans, beautiful marbles, beautiful stonework, floral designs, Islamic motifs, and verses from the Quran written in thulth and nastaliq script can be seen everywhere in the mosque. The use of single color turquoise tiles and carved stone pillars in the pearl porch of the mosque has made it very enchanting. The passage of sunlight through the colored glass and their color combination has caused a world of color to appear in the mosque during certain hours of the day and create beautiful and relaxing scenes. The sunlight is reflected from the colored glass of this mosque on the carvings and designs on the walls and shines on the carpet on the floor of the mosque. The best time to visit this mosque is before noon.

Shiraz Moshir Mosque | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Sightseeing, Moshir Mosque

Shiraz Moshir Mosque

The beautiful mosque of Moshir is one of the famous buildings of Shiraz city, which is located in Sang Siah neighborhood of Shiraz. Seng Siah Church, Hosseinieh Kurdha, Foroughul Molk House, Saadat House, Imamzadeh Bibi Dukhtar, Ilkhani Mosque and Bath, Armenian Bazaar and Haj Zainel Bazaar, which are among the sights of Shiraz, are located in this neighborhood. The Moshir Mosque of Shiraz has several naves and several two-story cells. These cells were created in the past for the use of students of religious sciences. The tiling of the mosque's altar is spectacular, and Surah Tawheed is written on its marble stones. The eastern side of the mosque has a gate towards the Armenian market, which leads to a special vestibule. The most historical and beautiful clock of Shiraz is located in Moshir Mosque.

Shiraz Shapouri House | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Shapouri House

Shiraz Shapouri House

Shapuri Mansion is one of the most attractive tourist attractions in Shiraz and one of the relics of the Pahlavi period. This extremely beautiful mansion garden was built over 5 years and is a combination of Iranian and European architecture. Round and patterned plaster columns, Achaemenid pattern tiling, beautiful large pond, cypress, maple, plantain, fig, pomegranate, orange and date trees make this garden very special and roses and geraniums double the beauty of the garden. This building has now been converted into a restaurant and coffee shop and is considered one of the luxury places in Shiraz.

Shiraz Kolah Farangi Mansion | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Kolah Farangi Mansion

Shiraz Kolah Farangi Mansion

Kolah Ferangi mansion was built in the middle of a beautiful garden in Shiraz. During the reign of Zandiyeh, it was a place for reception of guests and foreign ambassadors and for official ceremonies and various holidays. According to Karim Khanzand's will, his body was buried in this mansion. Kolah Ferangi Mansion was turned into a museum in 1315 and was named Pars Museum. Nazar Garden, Vakil Tomb, Chaharfasal Mansion, Government Garden and Pars Museum are other names of Kolahferangi Mansion. The exterior of the building is octagonal, which is decorated with flower and chicken tiles, slime motifs, hunting grounds and scenes inspired by old tales and stories. In this museum, valuable works of metal objects, pottery, all kinds of coins and seals are kept from the 4th millennium BC to the contemporary period. The collection of 30 volumes of the Qur'an related to the time of Shah Abu Ishaq Inju, a collection of water color paintings by the Shirazi artist Lotfali are located in this museum. Also, the famous painting of Karim Khan smoking hookah is located in this museum. Zand courtiers are also depicted in this painting. The sword of Karim Khanzand is also kept in this museum.

Shiraz Zinat Al-Moluk House | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Zinat Al-Moluk House, Worth visiting

Shiraz Zinat Al-Moluk House

Zaint al-Maluk house is one of the historical and architectural monuments of the Qajar period, which took about 12 years to build. The ceiling of most of the rooms of the house is wooden, decorated with pictures of animals, birds and flowers. This house is located near Ghavam garden and it is connected to the main building of Qavam Garden by an underground passage. Inside this house, there are wax statues of famous people and the past of Shiraz. The most spectacular part of the house is its hall of mirrors.

Shiraz Saraye Moshir | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

things to do in Shiraz, Saraye Moshir

Shiraz Saraye Moshir

Saraye Moshir was built around the Vakil bazaar of Shiraz. It is full of exquisite tiling, wooden arts, strange carvings and colorful glass. Currently, it has become a tea house and its rooms, a place for the supply of handicrafts and local arts of Fars province.

Shiraz Qur'an Gate | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

places to visit in Shiraz, Qur'an Gate

Shiraz Qur'an Gate

Qur'an Gate is one of the most famous historical buildings of Shiraz city, which dates back to the Deylamian period. This gate was one of the 6 entrance gates to the city of Shiraz in the past, and the reason for its name is two volumes of the handwritten Quran, which are kept in a room above it. This placing of the Quran is based on an old Iranian tradition that travelers pass under it when leaving the city and have a safe journey.

Shiraz Khan School | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz places to visit, Khan School

Shiraz Khan School

Khan School, which is one of the famous places of Shiraz, was built by Allah Vardi Khan, the ruler of Shiraz at the time. He invited Mulla Sadra, an Iranian philosopher in exile, to teach in this school, so that the best period of teaching and scientific development of Mulla Sadra could take place in this school. Allah Vardi Khan gave Mulla Sadra full authority in the field of teaching and asked him to act according to his taste and discretion in choosing teaching sciences. In this school, in addition to religious subjects such as wisdom, jurisprudence and philosophy, other sciences such as literature, astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, geology, zoology, botany and chemistry were also taught. Therefore, this school was a university in every sense in its time. The school consists of 100 cells, each cell has a small porch and is connected to a corridor from the back. All kinds of decorative arts such as mosaic and colorful tiles, slimy lines, domed ceiling, flower patterns, third lines, naskh and nastalig and bird patterns can be seen in this school. The presence of an octagonal pond and small gardens in the school yard and palm and orange trees have doubled the beauty of the school.

Shiraz Cradle of Sight | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz famous places, Cradle of Sight

Shiraz Cradle of Sight

The 1,000-year-old Cradle of Sight (Gahvareh Deed) was built on the highest point of the "Forty-Maqam" mountain during the Dilmian period in Shiraz. In the past, this place was a place for observation and sending emergency messages with horn, light reflection, fire and smoke. This building is built in the form of four square arches with a conical roof and stone and mortar are used in its construction. The height of the roof of this square building is about 7 meters.

Shiraz Divankhaneh Mansion | Shiraz Iran Tourist Attractions

Shiraz Tourist Attractions, Divankhaneh Mansion

Shiraz Divankhaneh Mansion

Divankhaneh mansion of Shiraz is one of the historical places of Shiraz city, which dates back to the Karimkhan period. The architecture of the building is in the Zendieh style with the influence of the Isfahan school and has beautiful and eye-catching decorations.

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